
马塔戈达地区医疗中心 provides a wide variety of services to assist you with your cardiac care needs. 从诊断服务到心脏事故后的康复, 您会发现,星际娱乐app经验丰富、关心您的员工就在这里, 离家近, 为您和您的家人提供最先进的护理.

Cardiac catheterization is one of the most widely performed cardiac procedures. 在美国, 多于1,000,000 cardiac catheterization procedures are performed annually according to a report from the American Heart Association.


星际娱乐app’s cardiac catheterization lab (Cath Lab) features modern technology and is staffed by highly trained specialists consisting of registered nurses and radiology and cardiovascular technologists. 星际线上娱乐的精选团队协助您的心脏病专家进行鉴定, 诊断, 以及心脏和血管问题的治疗.


  • 可插入式心脏监护仪(循环记录仪)
  • 诊断冠状动脉和周围血管造影
  • 冠状动脉成形术和支架置入
  • 外周血管成形术和支架置入
  • 主动脉内气囊泵(IABP)
  • 永久性心脏起搏器插入
  • 植入式心律转复除颤器插入


Cardiac catheterization (cardiac cath or heart cath) is a procedure to examine the blood flow to your heart and how well your heart is working. A thin, hollow tube called a catheter is inserted into a large blood vessel that leads to your heart. 导管就位后,可进行几项检查.


It is important that anyone preparing to undergo a hearth catheterization speak with their doctor about what to expect before, 在, 手术之后. 咨询医生后, you are always welcome to call 星际娱乐app’s 心导管检查 department at (979) 241-3427 with additional general questions. 最后, many patients also choose to review materials from reputable sources such as the American Heart Association. Click here to view the American Heart Association’s page on 心导管检查.


Our friendly and courteous Outpatient Registration Representatives are here to serve your registration needs. 要了解更多关于招生过程的信息, 点击这里 或致电中央调度中心(979)241-5966.

Cardiac (heart) and exercise programs are offered by 马塔戈达地区医疗中心. 如果你已经有心脏问题, there are opportunities for you to take control of your life and significantly improve how you feel every day. A special exercise program will be designed to fit your individual needs and capabilities. 你将在包括跑步机在内的各种锻炼站之间轮换, 自行车, 还有手臂和腿的阻力练习. Your physician will determine the proper exercise level for you at each of these stations.

Your heart and blood pressure will be monitored and your exercise supervised by licensed personnel. 因为你的个人计划将根据你的能力而定, 剂量会在可容忍的范围内增加. Remember your heart is a muscle, and like any muscle it responds to exercise and becomes stronger.

Included with the exercise program is a 饮食ary consultation given by a registered 饮食itian. Our goal is to supply you with the proper tools for a heart-healthy program that can effectively help you control cholesterol levels in the blood supply.

To get started, ask your doctor about whether you might benefit from this or a similar program. You must have your physician’s permission and a written order to enter and participate in the exercise program. It will also be necessary to have an exercise electrocardiogram to ensure your ability to participate. If you are interested or have questions, call the 心肺 Department at 979-241-5950.

星际娱乐app提供了多种方法来诊断和治疗心脏问题. 除了常见的和比较传统的诊断, 如心电图(EKG), 压力测试, 血液检查, our cardiopulmonary department offers state-of-the-art echocardiograms and dopplers to evaluate the blood circulation in arteries and veins throughout the body. Sometimes nuclear 压力测试 are utilized so that a more specific reading can be made.

任何心脏问题都可能是一种可怕的经历. 当一个人有胸痛时,心电图通常是第一个检查. This is a relatively basic screening exam that can tell the physician if you are currently having a cardiac event, 或者你以前有过. 下一个, 医生可能会要求进行跑步机压力测试, which has a higher accuracy since it is performed with the heart under stress.

这是“动脉阻塞”的临床术语,或堵塞, 是冠状动脉疾病, 这会减慢血液流向心脏的速度吗, 因此就会出现胸痛. 一旦动脉完全堵塞, 心脏病发作(也称为心肌梗塞), 或MI)发生. If a blockage is noted on the diagnostic exam, your physician may order a nuclear stress test. 然而, 如果结果是否定的或边缘性的, 心脏导管可以用来检查冠状动脉疾病.

血管成形术(用球囊打开阻塞的动脉), 心脏搭桥手术, and other major procedures are still referred to the tertiary care facilities, 通常是在德州医疗中心. You and your physician will discuss the options if this level of care is indicated.


Heart attack patients may be asked to undergo a number of diagnostic tests and procedures. By learning what these tests are and why they’re being done, you’ll feel more confident. These tests are important and help the doctor determine if a heart attack occurred, how much your heart was damaged and what degree of coronary artery disease (CAD) you may have. 您的心脏病发作可能是CAD的第一个症状. The tests screen your heart and help the doctor determine what treatment and lifestyle changes will keep your heart healthy and prevent serious future medical events.

有“非侵入性”和“侵入性”诊断测试. Non-invasive tests don’t involve inserting needles, instruments or fluids into the body. Invasive procedures can include a simple needle prick for a blood test or shot, 插管, 设备或范围和大型手术,如心脏直视手术.